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Optimizing Care of the Mother-Baby Dyad Affected by Substance Use Disorder (SUD)
A Guide for Health Care and Social Service Professionals Serving Pregnant and Parenting Persons
This guide is intended to encourage organizations to better recognize and understand the science and psychology of SUD prevention, assessment, and treatment, as well as addressing the role stigma and bias play into the effectiveness of health care professionals. Organizations and individuals are encouraged to continue leveraging the guide for ongoing team discussions in an inclusive, respectful manner.
The guide encompasses three sections described below which include on-demand webinars and educational material developed and presented by Sharon Hesseltine, BSW. Each section includes three presentations that are approximately 30 minutes long, with all presentation materials included. Session links are included below and can also be found within the Guide.
Section 1: The Brain, Substance Use Disorders and Parenting: A Healthcare Professional’s Guide
Section 2: Pregnant and Parenting Families with SUD: Evidence-Based Treatment, Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal and Supporting the Infant-Parent Relationship
Section 3: Stigma, Language & Implicit Bias: Moving Toward Becoming a Stigma-Free Provider