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Key Informant Interview Report (Download)

Missouri Foundation for Health (MFH) launched the Improving Maternal Health Outcomes (IMHO) initiative to promote high-quality, equitable maternal health care. Since beginning this work, MFH has been working with a team from North Carolina—a partnership between Jordan Institute for Families at the UNC School of Social Work, the Maternal and Child Health Workforce Development Center at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health, and R.A.C.E for Equity—to get a better understanding of all the work happening in Missouri to improve maternal well-being and identify ways to build community engagement and connect efforts.

After meeting with maternal child stakeholders throughout the state, the UNC team put together a key informant interview report which includes successes, aspirations, and resources or strategies that may be of value to building a more effective, inclusive, and connected system for maternal health.

If you’re interested in learning more about IMHO, please contact Terry Plain, Missouri Foundation for Health, Senior Strategist – Initiatives, at


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